Real numbers show that the
swine flu isn't as deadly as some people think it is. Of the approximately 22 million Americans who have come down with the swine flu, about 4000 have died. That's less than a .02% "Case Fatality Rate". Believe it or not, this is actually quadruple the early estimates made last spring. Still, health experts are saying that this does not mean the swine flu has worsened. It's just that now we have a better understanding of the disease and more real world statistics to evaluate.
The good news is this: if you get the swine flu you will very likely survive and, in fact, you probably won't even need a doctor's care! Still, it's very early in the flu season and, according to scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, we have a long flu-filled winter ahead of us.
You might want to start taking extra vitamin C and
vitamin D now, both of which can boost the immune system and help protect you from viral infections. In fact there are many
natural flu prevention techniques you can use.
Stay tuned for more swine flu news...