ViewSonic has released their highly-anticipated tablet PC, the ViewPad 7. It's being touted by some gadget experts as a cheaper, better alternative to the ultra-popular Apple iPad. The little computer features a nice 7-inch screen and runs on the Android operating system like the new Samsung Galaxy Tab (another possible "iPad Killer").
ViewSonic is known for their LCD monitors and televisions and their expertise shows in the ultra-clear screen of the ViewPad 7. They also have a new 10-inch tablet out called the Tegra 2, which is getting a lot of good attention, partly due to its incredible screen. The new Android V2.2 from Google is supposed to offer the best tablet experience currently available, so that should help the ViewPad take some market share from the iPad, Galaxy Tab, etc.
It also features tones of input/output options, including micro-SD, micro-USB, and SIM. So it's very easy and super cheap to add more memory... another big advantage over the iPad. The rear-facing camera is supposedly one of the best out there.
So is the ViewPad 7 a true iPad-killer? The market will be letting us know very soon. Please leave your own reviews and opinions of this new tablet PC below... thanks!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Second Generation iPad 2 on the Way?

If the new iPad has a front-facing camera that would allow it to be used to communicate with the FaceTime video chat program, which is currently available on the iPhone and Apple Mac book. A rear-facing camera would add some interesting functionality possibilities and would allow it to match the popular Samsung Galaxy Tab, which has a similarly placed cam.
Of course, there is still no official "guarantee" that the iPad 2 is truly on the way. Apple fans have a tendency to over-hype new product rumors. But there can be little doubt that, at some point, a 2nd Gen iPad will be released. And seeing how tablet PC devices are set to explode in popularity in the near future, it wouldn't be surprising if Apple tries to outdo everyone with a new and better iPad!
Learn some mo': Rumor: Apple's iPad 2 ships from Foxconn in 100 days
New Products,
Tablet Computers
New Kiana Kim Video!
We think that Kiana Kim, aka "The World's Hottest Korean Model," is due to really explode in popularity any day now. In fact, we've thought that for over a year. It's truly a shame that there's so few photos and videos of this perfect Asian beauty anywhere to be found... online or offline. Of course, she does have a new 2011 calendar and we hope to get our hands on an autographed copy soon. (Hint, hint Santa!)
Luckily for all the Kiana Kim fans out there Philly's 97.5 "The Fanatic" radio station made a short video of her when she visited their offices recently. Here it is:
Kiana, if you're reading, give us moreeeeee (please!).... :D
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Natural Cure for Children's Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Probiotics
Taking doses of probiotics, or "good bacteria," can help to treat and even cure the stomach pain many children experience on a frequent basis due to irritable bowel syndrome (aka IBS). Results of a new study showed that the probiotic bacteria "Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG" or LGG can significantly lower the severity and frequency of abdominal pain (including both stomach and intestinal pain) in kids who suffer from the increasingly common health problem.
Experts believe that the probiotic treatment may help to improve the balance of good and bad bacteria in children's digestive systems. Also, good bacteria has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the linings of the stomach and intestines.
Here's the best news: even after treatment was stopped, children who took the probiotic supplement experienced less IBS-related pain for several weeks. That shows that taking doses of "good bacteria" may be a long-lasting natural cure for children's tummy pain... good news for all worried mothers! :)
Learn some mo': 'Good' bacteria help kids with stomach pain
Here's the best news: even after treatment was stopped, children who took the probiotic supplement experienced less IBS-related pain for several weeks. That shows that taking doses of "good bacteria" may be a long-lasting natural cure for children's tummy pain... good news for all worried mothers! :)
Learn some mo': 'Good' bacteria help kids with stomach pain
irritable bowel syndrome
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Daily Low-Dose Aspirin May Cut Cancer Risk

Taking a low-dose aspirin every day may significantly cut your risk of dying from several different types of cancer, according to new research. British researchers found that taking about 75 mg of aspirin daily leads to a 10% - 60% decrease in death, depending on the type of cancer.
Still, experts say that the new information doesn't mean every adult should begin taking aspirin on a regular basis. In some people, consuming aspirin can lead to dangerous internal bleeding, which can obviously offset any long-term cancer-fighting health benefits provided by the drug.
According to the researchers:
"These findings provide the first proof in man that aspirin reduces deaths due to several common cancers... these results do not mean that all adults should immediately start taking aspirin... They do demonstrate major new benefits that have not previously been factored into guideline recommendations."
Learn some mo': Aspirin reduces cancer risk, study says
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Las Vegas: Now One of World's WORST Economies!

Here's the worst part: before the global recession began in 2007 Las Vegas was ranked in the top 15 cities for best economic performance. In gambling that's called a swing... a really big, ugly swing. Experts say that the chances of the city pulling itself out of this horrible economic slump anytime soon are very poor, mainly because of Vegas's dependence on tourism and the (currently dormant) construction industry as well as its ugly housing market.
According to Alan Berube of the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program:
“If the first year (of recovery) is any indication for Las Vegas, it could be a long, slow road ahead with the overhang from a damaged real estate market... It was globally one of the fastest growing regions leading up to the recession and sort of the Dublin of the Rocky Mountain West... It was mentioned up there with some of the Eastern European cities that were highfliers up until the crash because they found themselves heavily overinvested in real estate. They had a significant portion of their economies in construction and real estate finance, and the jobs went poof when the housing bubble burst worldwide... The economy that Las Vegas had before the recession is not a recipe for growth in the new economy. There has been talk about the need to diversify and find new sources of economic growth, and that is imperative in the long run.”
Many experts believe that, in order to save itself from years of stagnating economic growth, Las Vegas must diversify its economy, improve education, and figure out how to attract even larger numbers of foreign tourists. The city also must find a way to attract more gamblers who spend more money in order to bring real growth back to the local economy.
Great Recession,
Las Vegas
Monday, November 29, 2010
Is Google Buying Groupon?

It looks like Google may be buying the increasingly popular Groupon service, which is a very cool "group-buying" coupon service that's caught fire in recent months. Experts say the Google+Groupon combo would be extremely powerful, especially since the company already earns over $50 million in revenue per month.
One possible strategy is for Google to combine their relatively new Google Places service with Groupon's local coupon/discount capabilities. This would help Google compete and maybe even beat out local review site Yelp over the long run.
Imagine being able to search for the best local thai restaurants in your neighborhood that are also offering big dining discounts. If traditionally expensive service providers like mechanics and attorneys get into running group coupon promotions through Google it could mean HUGE money savings for the end users!
OK, so now that we've convinced ourselves of the idea we sincerely do hope that Google buys Groupon this week! :)
Learn some mo': What Google Could Do With Groupon
Local Search,
Save Money
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Las Vegas: Worst Place to Find a Job
It's official: Las Vegas, Nevada is the worst place in the US to try to find a job, at least according to a new report from Forbes magazine. Even though the unemployment rate in Southern Nevada dropped to 14.1% from 15% in October things are still incredibly bleak in the City of Lights. According to Forbes and, Las Vegas has the highest "Job Search Difficulty" score among all large American cities.
Apparently there are 9 out-of-work people for every job advertised in the Las Vegas Valley. That is really, really bad news for a city that's experiencing a very slow recovery from the Great Recession.
According to the report, the best cities for people looking for work are Washington D.C., San Jose, CA, Salt Lake City, Utah (a relatively close city to Vegas), Denver, Baltimore, Boston, and new tech-hub Austin, Texas.
Learn some mo': America's Worst Cities For Finding A Job
Apparently there are 9 out-of-work people for every job advertised in the Las Vegas Valley. That is really, really bad news for a city that's experiencing a very slow recovery from the Great Recession.
According to the report, the best cities for people looking for work are Washington D.C., San Jose, CA, Salt Lake City, Utah (a relatively close city to Vegas), Denver, Baltimore, Boston, and new tech-hub Austin, Texas.
Learn some mo': America's Worst Cities For Finding A Job
Saturday, November 13, 2010 Email Coming Soon
Want a email address? Well it appears you may soon be able to get what you wish for. Rumors are that Facebook is set to launch it's "Gmail killer" email service this coming week. Called Project Titan it will be a web-based email app that will compete with Google's extremely popular free email service.
Some experts believe that the new Facebook email service will be to first true alternative to Gmail, featuring a comprehensive feature set that's designed to filter and prioritize messages based on FB relationships and interaction history. Apparently Facebook will also close integrate photo sharing functionality with the new email/messaging service.
So basically, now you'll have absolutely no reason to leave your Facebook page. You can be noisy checking up on your friends' statuses, play Farmville, and check your email all at the same time!
Learn some mo': Facebook’s Gmail Killer, Project Titan, Is Coming
Some experts believe that the new Facebook email service will be to first true alternative to Gmail, featuring a comprehensive feature set that's designed to filter and prioritize messages based on FB relationships and interaction history. Apparently Facebook will also close integrate photo sharing functionality with the new email/messaging service.
So basically, now you'll have absolutely no reason to leave your Facebook page. You can be noisy checking up on your friends' statuses, play Farmville, and check your email all at the same time!
Learn some mo': Facebook’s Gmail Killer, Project Titan, Is Coming
Saturday, November 6, 2010
High Speed Rail: Americans Really Want It!

1. shorter travel times
2. greater convenience (no driving hassles!)
3. many like the experience of train travel
4. greater options to visit close-by cities during trips
5. good for the environment
Only 11% of people surveyed said they would definitely or probably not use high-speed rail if it became available. That's a pretty dang good ration of "want" to "don't-want" we think and it should motivate people to get these projects going as soon as possible.
High-speed rail projects will do all kinds of good things for the economy, including creating lots of construction jobs. Here in Las Vegas just about everyone wants a fast train directly to Los Angeles, and another from LA to San Diego. It would surely help the economy in Vegas and Southern California and make traveling a lot more fun and convenient.
So come on President Obama and US politicians: bring on the high-speed train lines!!
Learn some mo': Transportation Two Thirds of Americans Would Use High-Speed Rail
High-Speed Trains,
US Government
Friday, October 29, 2010
CherryPad: The Best Cheap Tablet Computer?
Looking for a cheap tablet computer that does everything you need? Well then check out the brand new CherryPad from Cherrypal. It's an Android device that will cost you just $188. At only 7-inches in width and about a pound in weight it's the perfect low-cost tablet for those who want WiFi internet, a resistive touch screen, 2GB of memory, and many more cool features usually found in higher-end tablet computers.
The CherryPad may not be the best ultra-portable PC out there but, for the price, it seems tough to beat. It is, for the time being, the ultimate in portability and low price among the emerging tablet computers!
Learn some mo': CherryPad: This is What a $188 Tablet Looks Like
The CherryPad may not be the best ultra-portable PC out there but, for the price, it seems tough to beat. It is, for the time being, the ultimate in portability and low price among the emerging tablet computers!
Learn some mo': CherryPad: This is What a $188 Tablet Looks Like
New Products,
Tablet Computers
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Is Las Vegas America's Dumbest City?

Although we live in Las Vegas and do our best to defend it, we have to say: they're kinda right. A lot of really dumbass people live in our home city. Spend 20 minutes on a local highway or 30 seconds dealing with a front-line customer service rep at any Downtown casino and you'll understand what we mean. We simply don't attract the sharpest knives in the drawer for some reason.
Actually, we have theory of why so many dumbbells choose to live here. It's a place (or at least it used to be a place) where anyone with any background and any level of education can relatively easily earn $60,000+ per year working in a casino. Also, we have one of the worst public school systems in the US, as well as some of the poorest medical care. Add in the highest foreclosure rate and worst unemployment and it's pretty easy to see why Vegas isn't too bright.
The worst part: the city has no real plans to change any of this. Very, very stupid...
Learn some mo': America’s ‘dumbest’ city? Annual report says Las Vegas
Las Vegas,
Top 10 Lists
Saturday, October 23, 2010
eBay Will Buy Your Old Electronics (Really Cheap)

Still, if you have good stuff, you can make some decent money in a relatively quick and easy way. A Droid Eris in good condition, for example, will earn you nearly $90! Even worthless old electronic junk can be gotten rid of for free using eBay's new system.
There have been other similar services offered in the past, but eBay's counting on its 90+ million user base to help it get real traction. At the very least, we now have another option for getting rid of all those gadgets so many of us have sitting around. An option that can earn us some cash! :)
Learn some mo': EBay's Instant Sale Offers Cash for Old Electronics
Make Money Online
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Is Jillian Michaels a Fitness Fraud?

Dang, that's gotta sting the very well-known fitness celeb!
The article goes on to say that Jillian Michaels regularly demonstrates a lack of knowledge, especially when it comes to exercise technique in the gym. She also apparently gives unsafe training advice to her millions of followers/fans. The Times goes on to state that Michaels' fitness credentials are pretty low-quality, having only 2 "introductory" fitness certifications to her name.
According to Jillian Michaels the LA Times is the real fraud and has resorted to liable and defamation in order to sell newspapers. She says that she's a true workout and weight loss expert who has developed her own continuing education program for personal trainers in conjunction with sports medicine doctors. She also reminds us that she has nearly 20 years as a fitness trainer.
No matter what, and as Times writer James S. Fell points out in his article, the weight loss claims of several of Michaels' products (especially the DVDs) are dubious. Several claim to allow you to lose 5 pounds per week. Any knowledgeable health or fitness expert knows that that's extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the average person to accomplish. And it may be just one of many "red flags" showing that Jillian Michaels is more of a marketer and money-maker than a true fitness expert!
What do you think? Leave your comments below!
Learn some mo': Jillian Michaels a Fraud? Critic Calls Her an Actress Not a Trainer
Jillian Michaels
Thursday, October 14, 2010
South Park New Jersey Map
South Park released one of the best episodes of all time last night: It's a Jersey Thing! According to Comedy Central the show just had to "take a stand" against New Jersey, which they say is quickly taking over the US, one state at a time.
The best part of the whole episode was when they showed a map of the United States with NJ taking up the entire half east of the Rocky Mountains. Check it out:

The best part of the whole episode was when they showed a map of the United States with NJ taking up the entire half east of the Rocky Mountains. Check it out:

New Jersey,
South Park,
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Fatter Americans = More Arthritis Pain
Many of these people are obese and overweight baby boomers, according to researchers. These people are reaching their 60's with a high level of osteoarthritis, which breaks down cartilage and causes joint stiffness. Health and fitness experts have long said that one of the best "cures" for arthritis and joint point is to lose weight (body fat) while strengthening and stretching muscle tissue.
So basically, this is just another of the hundreds of negative side-effects caused by rapidly increasing levels of obesity in the United State. We're sure that these trends will continue here and in other parts of the world where huge percentages of the population are overweight.
Learn some mo': More Obesity Fallout: Nearly 50 Million Americans with Arthritis
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Vitamin C Cheers Up Hospital Patients!

A 2002 study in the medical journal Biological Psychiatry showed that taking high doses of vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid) significantly boosted mood and even led to more sex in healthy young adults. Other studies have shown even better improvements in people with chronic health problems.
According to one researcher, Dr. L. John Hoffer:
"About one in five acute-care patients in our hospital have vitamin C levels so low as to be compatible with scurvy... But patients are rarely given vitamin supplements. Most physicians are simply unaware of the problem. Subclinical deficiencies of vitamin C and D have each been linked to psychological abnormalities, so we examined that aspect in our clinical trial."So if you want to cheer up a sick, hospital-ridden person -- or simply boost your own mood -- try taking a quality vitamin C supplement and eating more vitamin C-rich foods like vegetables and fruits. You may even want to look into intravenous ascorbic acid treatments in cases of acute disease.
Learn some mo': Study: Vitamin C May Boost Mood in Acute Care Patients
Boost Your Mood,
Mental Health,
Vitamin C
Kiana Kim 2011 Calendar is Coming!
Kiana Kim (Pete Rose's girlfriend) is pretty much the sexiest Korean-American model on Earth. We know it, you know it... the entire world knows it!
WE LOVE KIANA! So for us and all the Kiana Kim lovers out there here's some very good news: she's coming out with a 2011 calendar. Here's a little teaser pic to keep you all happy until January rolls around:

Now that's a sexy Asian.
WE LOVE KIANA! So for us and all the Kiana Kim lovers out there here's some very good news: she's coming out with a 2011 calendar. Here's a little teaser pic to keep you all happy until January rolls around:

Now that's a sexy Asian.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Las Vegas Commercial Real Estate Shows Signs of Life (Finally!)

So, for the time being at least, the "free fall" that has been happening in the commercial real estate sector appears to have stopped. Plus, signs of life are also appearing in major construction, which has been asleep for the past couple of years. The developers of Tivoli Village have acquired 23 more acres of land, hopefully signaling a new phase of large scale construction on the western side of the city.
According to Cathy Jones, president of Sun Commercial Real Estate:
“I believe they are going to expand their retail and entertainment development across the street."The analysts and experts, however, state the obvious: a slight rebound in the Las Vegas commercial real estate market certainly doesn't mean that the city's economy has recovered. Far from it in fact. Pretty much everyone knows that the Great Las Vegas Recovery won't begin until the jobs show up, consumer confidence improves, and our millions and millions of yearly visitors begin to spend more money during their vacations.
Learn some mo': Commercial market shows gains after months of free-fall
Las Vegas,
Real Estate
Monday, October 4, 2010
Drink Beetroot Juice to Exercise Longer

Studies done at Exeter University found that cyclists who drank about half a quart of beet juice a few hours before training were able to ride 20% longer than those who drank a placebo. That's a hell of an endurance boost!
Experts believe that the dark juice causes muscles to use less oxygen than usual, allowing them to conserve energy. It appears that the large amount of nitrates found in beetroot juice is responsible for the athletic boost. Although they're not sure exactly how it works yet, some scientists believe that the nitrates increase the levels of nitric oxide in the body, which is a proven exercise enhancer.
If you don't like the taste of beetroot juice, you may be able to get similar results by eating large amounts of other nitrate-rich foods like spinach and green lettuce. Or you could just take a good nitric oxide supplement, which have become more and more popular among exercisers and bodybuilders.
Learn some mo': To exercise longer, try beetroot juice
Be Better,
Healthy Foods
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Empty Calories Making US Kids Unhealthy

Stop the flow of empty calories into kids diets!
American children are simply consuming way too much energy in the form of empty calories, mainly from refined sugars and refined "white" grain products (like pizza and desserts). If your child is consuming large amounts of soda, chips, pizza, candies, and other junk food he or she is much more likely to be overweight and suffer from serious health problems later in life.
Another form of empty calories comes from low-quality fats like the trans-fats found in many processed foods. Many health experts believe that the combination of bad fats and bad carbs (especially simple sugars and refined flours) is especially dangerous because the carbs cause a spike in insulin production within the human body. This in turns causes the body to shuttle the empty calories from the fats and carbohydrates into the body fat cells, greatly increasing the amount of stored fat on a child
According to Dr. Rae-Ellen W. Kavey from the University of Rochester Medical Center:
"High added sugar consumption which occurs most commonly in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with a constellation of cardiovascular risk factors, both independently, and through the development of obesity. Multiple studies have shown that presence of these risk factors in childhood is associated with accelerated atherosclerosis and early cardiovascular disease. Randomized trials of nutritionist-guided interventions show us that diet change can be accomplished and is associated with important cardiovascular benefits. This combined body of evidence suggests that reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages should be considered a critical dietary approach to reducing cardiovascular risk in childhood."
Learn some mo': Flow of empty calories into children's food supply must be reduced
Child Health,
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Ancient Beer Provided Antibiotics for Humans

The grain that was used to make beer in Nubia contains the soil bacteria streptomyces, which produces a type of antibiotic still in use today. Evidence shows that our ancestors perfected the beer fermentation process on purpose so that they could make this natural medicine.
Ancient Greeks also used beer as a fever-reducing remedy and wound healer. Some ancient cultures used it to treat diabetes and migraine headaches. So there's some good news for beer drinkers: it's been used as a medicine for a LONG time. Plus moderate drinking can extend your life!
Learn some mo': Researchers Find 2,000 Year-Old Beer Was Used as Medicine
Sunday, September 12, 2010
People Like Tax Cuts for the Middle Class, Not the Rich!

The President's economic experts talked the idea up throughout the day today on the top news programs. The idea appears to be so popular that even some top Republicans are saying they may vote in support of it.
According to Obama's plan, at the end of the year the wealthiest Americans would see their tax rates increased to where they were before the Bush tax cuts were implemented in 2001 and then again in 2003.
Most economists and political experts agree that some form of tax increase is needed in order to raise revenue and begin balancing the national budget, which at this point it wildly out of control. Some even say that out huge national debt has become a major threat to the United States.
Taxing the rich and leaving the poor and middle class alone is obviously going to be a very popular way of digging ourselves out of this economic hole we're in!
Learn some mo': Obama's plan to extend some tax cuts may be gaining traction
United States
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Donald Trump Makes Another Pathetic Attempt to Get Into the Spotlight
Donald Trump loves free publicity. In fact you could say he's addicted to being in the limelight. According to many former business associates, he also loves screwing people over when doing deals. So it's no surprise that his attempt to buy the "Ground Zero Mosque" land is being called "pathetic" by one of the lawyers involved.
And apparently the majority owner of the land -- Hisham Elzanaty -- doesn't even consider Trump's proposal to be genuine. Why? Because he offered such an incredibly small amount for it! He offered 6 MILLION DOLLARS. For a large piece of property. In Lower Manhattan. Some of the most valuable real estate in the history of the planet.
Even MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell took it upon himself to call Trump out and bust his balls on national television:
And apparently the majority owner of the land -- Hisham Elzanaty -- doesn't even consider Trump's proposal to be genuine. Why? Because he offered such an incredibly small amount for it! He offered 6 MILLION DOLLARS. For a large piece of property. In Lower Manhattan. Some of the most valuable real estate in the history of the planet.
Even MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell took it upon himself to call Trump out and bust his balls on national television:
Donald Trump,
New York City,
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Will Legal Online Gambling Hurt Small Casino Owners?

The reason? Competition is much more fierce online than it is in the brick-and-mortar world, where a small "neighborhood" casino can survive and prosper due to its convenient location, relationships with local customers, and comfortable atmosphere.
That is, after all, how the explosion of small and medium-sized "locals" casinos happened in the Las Vegas Valley.
Also, at least according to one Southern Nevada gaming operator, the large Nevada and New Jersey-based gaming companies can use economies of scale to dominate the legal online gambling landscape. Also, playing poker, blackjack, slots, or video poker in your pajamas while sitting on your sofa will always be more convenient than heading to your neighborhood video poker bar or casino.
No matter what anyone says, the US government is very likely to change the laws regarding web-based gambling in the near future. The prohibition of online gaming in the US has proven to be relatively ineffective and has cost the country billions of dollars in lost tax revenue, something it dearly needs now.
Small casino operators will most likely need to figure out how to tap into online niches that larger companies may not focus their marketing on.
Learn some mo': Legal Internet gambling may help big casino firms, hurt small ones
Las Vegas,
Online Gambling,
Online Marketing,
US Government
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Good iPad Alternatives On the Way

One thing's for sure: Apple started a real revolution by offering a truly useful and portable touchscreen gadget that's smaller than a laptop computer but bigger (and therefore much easier to use) than a normal "smart" cell phone. They have already sold more than 3 million iPads, much more than many experts thought they would.
But competition is always good, especially in terms of being able to get more for less money. Many of the new iPad alternatives are expected to be cheaper and possibly even more powerful. Because of Google Android operating system, emerging tablet PCs will be able to use their own "apps" just like the Apple products.
It should be exciting to see what happens in the "iPad alternative" space over the next few months!
Learn some mo': iPad competitors are lining up
New Products,
Tablet Computers,
Touch Screen Computers
Sunday, September 5, 2010
New iPod Nano "iWatch" Is Here
Apple fans have been waiting a long time for them to come out with an "iWatch" product. Looks like the wait is over. The brand new iPod Nano mp3 player released last week can be easily strapped to your wrist and, in essence, become that mythical Apple product us geeks have been clamoring for.
Fancy mini-computer "smart watches" could become the next big thing in gadgets. LG and a few other electronics makers are already working on some new models that will probably be released at the end of 2010 or beginning of 2011. The next CES show in Las Vegas is sure to feature some very cool and powerful wrist candy.

The only problem with the iPod Nano watch is that you have to push the little button to light up the screen and see the time. But we think that thousands of users will overlook that little issue so that they can finally enjoy the iWatch they've all been wishing and waiting for...
Learn some mo': The New iPod Nano iWatch Is Real!
Fancy mini-computer "smart watches" could become the next big thing in gadgets. LG and a few other electronics makers are already working on some new models that will probably be released at the end of 2010 or beginning of 2011. The next CES show in Las Vegas is sure to feature some very cool and powerful wrist candy.

The only problem with the iPod Nano watch is that you have to push the little button to light up the screen and see the time. But we think that thousands of users will overlook that little issue so that they can finally enjoy the iWatch they've all been wishing and waiting for...
Learn some mo': The New iPod Nano iWatch Is Real!
iPod Nano,
New Products
Friday, September 3, 2010
iPod Nano Deals: Get the "Best" Nano for Cheap

Just check out the iPod Nano "Special Deals" section on the website and you'll see for yourself. As you'll see, you can now get the 8GB model for $99 and the 16GB model for $149. Those are pretty cheap prices for such a great product, which has the video capture functionality that the new Nano's lack, to the dismay of some.
So go grab yourself a discount on one of the best iPods ever. Enjoy the same song capacity/memory, a bigger screen, and a heck of a nice video camera. It's definitely a good deal for a high-quality mini mp3 player!
Learn some mo': Cheap iPod Nano Deals
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
New Apple iPod Nano for 2010

It should definitely become one of the best-selling gadgets for Fall and Winter 2010. We know what Christmas gift we'll be asking for this year. Let's just hope that Amazon and the other big retailers roll out some discounts because the $179 price tag for the 16-GB version is a little steep in this down economy!
Learn some mo': Apple's New 2010 iPod Nano
iPod Nano,
MP3 Players
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Las Vegas: The Last Big City With Falling Home Prices
The Las Vegas area remains the last "big city" with falling home values, according to a new report from Standard & Poor's. The incredibly high unemployment levels combined with home foreclosures and a big slowdown in tourism is simply killing the city's economy.
Every one of the other 20 big US cities has seen its home prices increase or, in two cases, remain even. So despite some bright spots Las Vegas continues to lag behind the rest of the country. A second "double dip" recession has become a major concern in Southern Nevada.
The Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors reports that the median price of a single-family house in Southern Nevada is around $135,000... half of what is was just a couple of years ago!
According to one expert:
Learn some mo': 20-city index shows Las Vegas alone in home price decline
Every one of the other 20 big US cities has seen its home prices increase or, in two cases, remain even. So despite some bright spots Las Vegas continues to lag behind the rest of the country. A second "double dip" recession has become a major concern in Southern Nevada.
The Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors reports that the median price of a single-family house in Southern Nevada is around $135,000... half of what is was just a couple of years ago!
According to one expert:
"The worry starts when you remember that the Homebuyers' Tax Credit has expired, foreclosures are still at high levels and July data on home sales and starts were very, very weak. The inventory of unsold homes and months' supply data were particularly troubling. If this relative weakness in demand continues, it will likely filter through to home prices in coming months."
Learn some mo': 20-city index shows Las Vegas alone in home price decline
Great Recession,
Las Vegas,
Real Estate
Friday, August 27, 2010
Chlorine Gas Sickens People at Las Vegas Pool

According to Gordon Asher, MGM Resorts spokesmen, an injector valve on the pool's chlorination system got stuck in the "on" position, allowing the dangerous fumes to escape. He said that an MGM employee closed the valve as soon as it was noticed. Las Vegas Metro Police as well as the Fire & Rescue hazardous materials team are still on the scene investigating.
As Las Vegas residents and frequent visitors to the cities many amazing resort pools, we find it pretty alarming that something like this could even happen. Chlorine gas is extremely deadly and can do a lot of damage to lung tissue. If the (often not too bright) people working at casino pools are going to be allowed to handle dangerous chemicals there should be more safety rules and oversight. Every industrial site that uses chlorine has gas detectors, alarms, etc. Maybe Vegas pools should too...
Learn some mo': 12 hospitalized, 100 treated after MGM Grand chemical leak
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Instant Canker Sore Relief
I have an incredibly painful canker sore on the inside of my bottom lip, rubbing up against my lower teeth and gums. It hurts like hell and I had to find a solution in order to work, talk, think, or even keep from going out of my mind! Luckily I found a solution for instant canker sore relief. Here it is...
Step 1: Put a cap-ful of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth and swish it around for at least 1 minute. This cleans all the oral bacteria out and leaves you with a nice, disinfected canker sore.
Step 2: Press a piece of ice on the sore for 30 seconds. This cools it down, numbs it, and starts to bring down the swelling.
Step 3: Put an un-coated aspirin against the canker sore. Hold it there -- either by hand or by positioning it in your mouth -- for the next 15 minutes. It'll burn for a few seconds but then the pain will begin to subside. Be sure to spit out the aspirin after 15 minutes or you may suffer "aspirin burn" because aspirin is actually a form of weak acid -- acetylsalicylic acid to be precise.
If the pain doesn't go away rinse out your mouth with cold water and repeat the steps above after waiting half an hour. And there you have it: your instant canker sore pain relief remedy. It worked for me and it should work for you. Good luck!
Learn some mo': Canker Sore Remedies
Step 1: Put a cap-ful of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth and swish it around for at least 1 minute. This cleans all the oral bacteria out and leaves you with a nice, disinfected canker sore.
Step 2: Press a piece of ice on the sore for 30 seconds. This cools it down, numbs it, and starts to bring down the swelling.
Step 3: Put an un-coated aspirin against the canker sore. Hold it there -- either by hand or by positioning it in your mouth -- for the next 15 minutes. It'll burn for a few seconds but then the pain will begin to subside. Be sure to spit out the aspirin after 15 minutes or you may suffer "aspirin burn" because aspirin is actually a form of weak acid -- acetylsalicylic acid to be precise.
If the pain doesn't go away rinse out your mouth with cold water and repeat the steps above after waiting half an hour. And there you have it: your instant canker sore pain relief remedy. It worked for me and it should work for you. Good luck!
Learn some mo': Canker Sore Remedies
Canker Sores,
Natural Treatments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Proven: Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight!

Plus, the water-drinking group were more likely to keep the weight off after a year. So we're talking about a true "healthy" weight loss solution that works both short-term and long-term!
Besides filling the stomach, helping to suppress the appetite naturally, and even boosting metabolism slightly, drinking more water helps you cut calories. The average American drinks more than 230 calories per day. Fitness and weight loss experts say that sipping from a water bottle all day long while avoiding sodas, juices, soft drinks, high-sugar/high-calorie coffee drinks, and alcohol is one of the best ways to lose pounds more quickly and keep them off over time.
According to one expert:
"Water is by far the healthiest beverage, and if you can't drink water, then drink unsweetened tea, coffee, diet beverages or for kids, low-fat milk... The fewer calories we get from beverages, the healthier we're going to be."So there you have it: drink more water and sugar-free beverages and you'll get rid of your stubborn belly fat and lose weight faster (plus you'll probably just feel a lot better too!).
Learn some mo': Drinking Water Proven to Help Weight Loss
New Research,
Weight Loss
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Oil-Eating Microbe: Nature's Solution to Gulf Coast Oil Spill?
A newly discovered type of oil-eating bacteria may be nature's own solution to cleaning up the giant BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. That's good new because just a few days ago scientists released a report showing that an oil plume the size of Manhattan is still lurking about 3000 feet below the surface of the water.
According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's findings there is "a great potential for bacteria to help dispose of oil plumes in the deep-sea." And here's more good news: not only does the ocean bacteria help to bio-degrade crude oil in deep, cold water... it does so without lowering the oxygen levels in the water.
That means that it probably won't create large "dead zones" of low-oxygen seawater, a problem that already exists in the Gulf.
Learn some mo': 'Opportunistic' Bacteria Feasting Slowly on Underwater Oil in Gulf
According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's findings there is "a great potential for bacteria to help dispose of oil plumes in the deep-sea." And here's more good news: not only does the ocean bacteria help to bio-degrade crude oil in deep, cold water... it does so without lowering the oxygen levels in the water.
That means that it probably won't create large "dead zones" of low-oxygen seawater, a problem that already exists in the Gulf.
Learn some mo': 'Opportunistic' Bacteria Feasting Slowly on Underwater Oil in Gulf
BP Oil Spill,
Gulf of Mexico
Monday, August 23, 2010
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Might Be Caused By XMRV Virus
New research has once again linked chronic fatigue syndrome with a recently discovered type of retrovirus called MRV-related viruses. The evidence backs up a study published last fall that linked CFS with the XMRV virus. This new research may finally convince skeptical doctors that the debilitating disease is caused by a pathogen.
Chronic fatigue syndrome affects over a million people in America alone and caused profound exhaustion, headaches, severe joint and muscle pain, sleep disorders, cognitive problems, and other serious health issues. Experts are hopeful that once the cause is pinpointed a cure will soon be found to help people who are suffering from this nasty affliction!
Learn some mo': Chronic fatigue may be triggered by virus
Chronic fatigue syndrome affects over a million people in America alone and caused profound exhaustion, headaches, severe joint and muscle pain, sleep disorders, cognitive problems, and other serious health issues. Experts are hopeful that once the cause is pinpointed a cure will soon be found to help people who are suffering from this nasty affliction!
Learn some mo': Chronic fatigue may be triggered by virus
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Van Gogh's Poppy Flowers Still Missing
The famous Van Gogh painting Poppy Flowers (aka Vase And Flowers) has been stolen in Cairo and is still missing, despite previous reports!

Learn some mo': Egyptian minister says Van Gogh picture still missing

Learn some mo': Egyptian minister says Van Gogh picture still missing
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Fructose Sugar Feeds Cancer

According to study author Dr. Anthony Heaney:
"The bottom line is the modern diet contains a lot of refined sugar including fructose and it's a hidden danger implicated in a lot of modern diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and fatty liver."High-fructose corn syrup is now the most popular sweetener in the United States and much of the world. Heaney and others are calling for the federal government to take steps to try and reduce America's consumption of corn syrup.
Of course, fructose (a "fruit" sugar) can also be found in fruits, some vegetables, and regular white table sugar.
The corn/corn syrup lobby is obviously unhappy with the news. They say that the study doesn't necessarily prove that fructose fuels cancer growth and that high-fructose corn syrup is safe when consumed in moderation.
One things for sure: everyone should minimize their intake of ALL refines sugars in order to improve health and reduce the risk of cancer!
Learn some mo': Cancer Cells Use Fructose to Grow
Sunday, August 15, 2010
World's Oldest Scotch Whiskey Won't Be Tasted

We think that at least one of the 11 bottles of "Mackinlay's Rare Old Highland Malt Whisky" should be enjoyed by someone! How about giving a bottle to the person who figures out how to make solar energy really cheap or the company that comes up with a way to get the world economy going again? That would be a pretty good use of the oldest Scotch around...
Learn some mo': 100-year-old Scotch pulled from frozen crate
Oldest Stuff,
Saturday, August 14, 2010
magicTalk = Free Cell Phone Calls

The MagicTalk will allow unlimited calls in the US and Canada. Special versions for the various smartphone models -- including the iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android -- will be available in the fall. A version for the Apple iPad will also be released soon. The product's maker -- VocalTec -- operates as its own phone company and provides unique phone numbers to each user.
Good news is you want to start making free long-distance and cheap international calls, even on your cell phone!
Learn some mo': Free calls from co. behind magicJack
Cell Phones,
New Products
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Las Vegas Casinos Had Worst Month in 7 Years

The only bright spot for the casinos was a big increase in sports betting, due to the huge amount of bets placed during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Still, the 37 Strip casinos won only $383 million in June, a very low overall figure. Downtown casinos also had a horrible month according to state officials.
So is Las Vegas dying, as many experts are predicting? Or was June just another bump in the road to a citywide (and possible statewide) economic recovery? Only time will tell...
Learn some mo': Las Vegas Strip casinos see lowest win since 2003
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
New "Useful Stuff" Blog
A friend of mine has just launched a new blog about useful stuff he finds online. He's a pretty smart guy so I thought I'd give him a link. You can check out the blog at:
Be sure to leave a comment and let him know what you think!
Be sure to leave a comment and let him know what you think!
Bad Menstural Cramp Pain Changes Women's Brains

Some of the abnormalities include lower volume in parts of the brain related to pain processing, high-level sensory processing, and emotional regulation. The women also had more volume in the brain regions related to pain modulation and endocrine function regulation.
Experts aren't sure exactly how the brain changes affect a woman's experience of pain. But they do believe that menstrual pain may be similar to other forms of chronic pain, which are known to actually make the brain more sensitive to pain and, therefore, make the pain sensations worse!
According to one researcher:
"A long-term bombardment by peripheral pain can elicit plastic changes in the central brain as a reactive adaptation... It can also be a crucial mechanism that perpetuates the 'chronification' of pain."
Learn some mo': Menstrual Cramps May Alter Women's Brains
Women's Health
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Less Sitting = More Health!
Working out every day won't give you many health benefits if you're always sitting down, according to a new study that associates an increased risk of mortality with the time that people spend on their derrieres. This suggests that people should spend more time engaging in physical activity and less time sitting on the couch or the Lazy-Boy.
Experts believe that the obesity problem in the US is definitely associated with the increased amount of time the average American spends sitting down. Now we have evidence to show that lack of regular activity can definitely lead to early death.
Some of the health problems associated with large amounts of sitting/inactivity include obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and unhealthy eating patterns. So the obvious conclusion is that we all need to spend less time sitting on our behinds and more time moving around!
Learn some mo': Are you sitting down? It's slowly killing you
Experts believe that the obesity problem in the US is definitely associated with the increased amount of time the average American spends sitting down. Now we have evidence to show that lack of regular activity can definitely lead to early death.
Some of the health problems associated with large amounts of sitting/inactivity include obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and unhealthy eating patterns. So the obvious conclusion is that we all need to spend less time sitting on our behinds and more time moving around!
Learn some mo': Are you sitting down? It's slowly killing you
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Gorilla Glass to Make Touch-Screen Computers & TVs Better, Cheaper

Because Gorilla is so thin and light, it's cheaper to transport, which should lower shipping costs. Eventually that should lead to cheaper electronics products.
Gorilla glass is already being used to create a protective layer over the small screens of cell phones and other mobile communication devices. But the latest trends in TV and computer technologies could launch it to an exponentially bigger business. Things like "frameless" flat-screen TVs and ultra-tough, ultralight touchscreen laptops, and amazing high-definition wall art displays are now possible with the glass.
Learn some mo': 'Gorilla' glass may be new face of touch-screen tablets, high-end TVs
Cell Phones,
New Products,
Touch Screen Computers
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Nevada Casino Companies Ready to Lead in New Legal Online Casino Industry

Parts of the new legislation being proposed in Washington aim to penalize foreign companies that ran online gambling websites and profited by accepting American bets even though it was illegal. Fortunately for the major US casino companies, none of them risked becoming involved in the offshore operations. That wise decision could set them up to make huge profits in the new Internet gaming boom.
The House Financial Services Committee has just passed a bill to legalize and regulate online betting in the US. But it also added amendments that are designed to prevent online casino operators currently violating US laws from getting licenses to operate under the new legal online gaming regulation.
Many experts believe that both Nevada and possibly New Jersey gaming corporations are set to become the leaders legal Internet gambling. We'll just have to wait and see what happens...
Learn some mo': Nevada gaming companies see potential flush online
Las Vegas,
Online Gambling
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The End of History: World's Strongest Beer

According to BrewDog officials:
"The End of History" is the "strongest, most expensive and most shocking beer in the world... this is to beer what democracy is to history!"So far only 12 bottles have been made and they've all been sold to buyers in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Each bottle is packed in the carcass of a dead "roadkill" animal -- including 4 squirrels, 7 weasels, and a hare.
Learn some mo': The End of History: World's Highest ABV Beer
Food and Beverage,
World Records
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Las Vegas: Broke Baby Boomers, Retirees a Big Problem

Most gamblers are 50 or over and have more time and money to spend in casinos than younger people. But many of them have lost huge portions of their retirement savings, meaning that they have far less money to gamble and spend in Vegas casinos. What's worse, many retirees have large amounts of money tied up in homes that are worth far less than before the recession began so Las Vegas trips are not a possibility.
The bottom line is that baby boomers and retired Americans no longer have access to easy cash like they did in the 90's and most of the 2000's. Declining home values have made them feel less secure financially than ever before. Experts believe that they won't be returning to Las Vegas in large numbers until we see a major increase in home values, the biggest factor in most retirees' wealth.
Learn some mo': Retirees, with nest eggs crushed, can’t muster Strip rebound
Great Recession,
Las Vegas
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Painless Flu Shots On the Way!

The extremely tiny needles can be put onto a band-aid-like patch. Once stuck to a body party, the barely pierce the skin and then dissolve, releasing the flu vaccine (or any other drug/vaccine that may be needed).
The needles are so small that most users feel no pain. Plus the microneedle patches can be used by just about anyone, anywhere, eliminating the need to visit a doctor or nurse just to get a vaccination. Plus, the problems associated with dirty hypodermic needles are basically completely avoided.
So, within the next few years, just about everyone who wants a flu shot will be able to get it with no inconvenience or fear of doctor visits!
Learn some mo': Vaccine-delivery patch with dissolving microneedles eliminates 'sharps,' boosts protection
Public Health
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Finding Medical Marijuana in New Mexico is Hard

New Mexico's legal marijuana program -- which has been held up as an ideal "model" program nationwide -- is extremely careful in its licensing and regulation. The handful of people involved in the legal growing and selling of the drug are all carefully screened.
Once someone is licensed to grow and sell medical marijuana, they are only allowed to grow 95 plants. According to New Mexico, that inventory "reflects current qualified patient needs". Unfortunately the shortage has caused many patients with medical marijuana cards to purchase their medicine on the streets.
State Health Secretary Dr. Alfredo Vigil says that the state's program is being expanded slowly and methodically in order to make sure there is sufficient oversight over the legal pot producers.
Hopefully New Mexico will speed up the process so that people can get the medicine they need without resorting to illegal drug buying!
Learn some mo':
And some mo': New Mexico faces medical marijuana shortage
Medical Marijuana,
New Mexico
Friday, July 16, 2010
Lorcaserin: New Diet Pill May Be Less-Risky Weight Loss Option

In one study, lorcaserin helped people lose at least 5% of their body weight -- an average of 13 pounds -- over the course of a year. It was able to provide significant results without any noticeable health problems. It's a cousin of fen-phen and works in the same appetite-suppressing manner but in a safer, more selective manner.
In the study, only half of the participants stuck with it over the course of a year. But more of the people taking lorcaserin stayed with it than those taking a placebo, suggesting that side effects were no a significant problems.
Drug maker Arena Pharmaceuticals hopes that their new diet product will be approved by the FDA and become a major player in the world of weight loss medicine.
Learn some mo': Experimental diet pill shows promise, little risk
New Drugs,
New Research,
Weight Loss
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Spain Wins 2010 World Cup!
After a very exciting and memorable World Cup tournament Spain -- one of the best team's in the world -- has beaten Holland to win its first ever world championship.

It was kind of a "dirty" and "ugly" final but in the end the better team won. Today will go down as one of the greatest days in Spain's history!
Que Viva España!!
Learn some mo': Spain wins first World Cup on Iniesta's goal late in extra time

It was kind of a "dirty" and "ugly" final but in the end the better team won. Today will go down as one of the greatest days in Spain's history!
Que Viva España!!
Learn some mo': Spain wins first World Cup on Iniesta's goal late in extra time
Friday, July 9, 2010
Solar Lab to Be Built in Southern Nevada
Part of the Nevada Test Site -- once used to test the world's first nuclear weapons -- will be used to help make the United States a leader in solar power. 25 square miles of the land will host a real-world laboratory that will be used to research emerging concentrating solar technology.
Nevada politicians (including Harry Reid), solar companies, and renewable energy experts believe that the new testing area will give the US a huge boost in solar technology -- especially in concentrating solar thermal power.
State leaders hope that the solar "lab" will also help bring new jobs to the Las Vegas and Southern Nevada areas. He said:
"It's hard to imagine a better place to capture the heat from the sun than right here."
Learn some mo': New solar test zone brightens the future of Las Vegas
Nevada politicians (including Harry Reid), solar companies, and renewable energy experts believe that the new testing area will give the US a huge boost in solar technology -- especially in concentrating solar thermal power.
State leaders hope that the solar "lab" will also help bring new jobs to the Las Vegas and Southern Nevada areas. He said:
"It's hard to imagine a better place to capture the heat from the sun than right here."
Learn some mo': New solar test zone brightens the future of Las Vegas
Las Vegas,
Solar Energy
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Solar-Powered Plane Completes 24-Hour Trip

The "Solar Impulse" is a very large aircraft with a 207-foot wingspan. It's the product of 7 years of planning and engineering by a group of scientists based in Switzerland. Their next goal is to circle the globe using nothing but sun-powered electricity.
Learn some mo': Solar plane completes historic 24-hour flight
Solar Energy
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Big Solar Energy Investment Coming from US Stimulus Program

According to the President:
"We're going to keep competing aggressively to make sure the jobs and industries of the future are taking root right here in America."The $1.85 billion in loan money will come out of the $862 billion economic stimulus package already in place. Experts believe that the announcement is a reaction to the recent bad news showing that private industry is not creating nearly as many new jobs as expected and that the US economy continues to falter greatly.
Learn some mo': Solar power funding will create jobs, Obama says
Solar Energy,
United States
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