Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Kel-Tec RDB, M43 Bullpup Rifles Set to Delight, Piss Off Gun Fanatics

A new ad from popular and controversial gun maker Kel-Tec has a lot of people talking. It shows two new bullpup-style rifles: the AR-styled "RDB" and the AK-styled M43. The ad promises light weights, low recoils, crisp triggers, and long-stroke pistons, among other things. 

Check it out below:

As Kel-Tec fans ourselves, we're pretty excited about these interesting-looking firearms. They're sure to be relatively low-cost, fun-to-shoot, good-quality... and nearly impossible to find. That's because Kel-Tec has a bad habit of releasing very cool new designs, building up a ton of consumer demand, and then not producing nearly enough of the new guns to fill that demand.

Here's to hoping 2014 will be the year the Florida-based company actually follows through on its promises and allows us to buy one of those damn RDB rifles!!


Learn some mo': New Keltec Rifles for 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013

Colorado Plans to Become the Amsterdam of North America

Things are about to get really interesting in Colorado on January 1st...

What do you think about Colorado and its new legal recreational marijuana industry??

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Google Zeitgeist Videos Condenses 1 Year Into 90 Seconds

The new Google Zeitgeist 2013 is pretty cool. It shows many of the search engine's highlights for the year. Check it out:

Learn some mo': Google Zeitgeist 2013: A Year In Search

What do you think?

Friday, December 27, 2013

2013 News Bloopers Video May Be the Funniest of the Year

A "best of" news bloopers video from "NewsBeFunny" has taken the internet by storm today, getting 100's of thousands of views in a few hours.

It is really, truly hilarious. Check it out:

What do you think??

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Crazy Robotic Cube "Cubli" Can Jump and Balance Itself on Its Edges

The Cubli is a robotic walking, balancing, and jumping cube that will make you go "WOW!"

Check it out:

Extremely cool.

Learn some mo': Motorized reaction-wheel cube that can balance and walk on its edges and corners

Friday, December 20, 2013

Gold Prices Fall Through the Floor

Gold prices are dropping like they're hot... again! The pretty metal reached its lowest value in 3 years yesterday after the US Fed warned it was planning to slow down its economic stimulus program. It fell to $1193 per ounce, the first time it's been under $1200 since August 2010.

Most experts blame the price plunge on a lack of the inflation... inflation many traders had expected to drive gold values up. The Fed's promise to slow down its "easy money" injection caused an immediate reduction in the chance of severe inflation concurring in the US any time soon.

Also, the general improvement in the US economy has led many to question the true value of gold and other precious metals. Gold is down nearly 30 percent in 2013 and could see its first annual loss since the year 2000. Silver prices also fell to $19.19 per ounce.

We say: This is fantastic news. Hopefully gold and silver will get even cheaper so we can buy a ton of the stuff soon!

Learn some mo': Gold Down Big, Set for First Annual Loss in 13 Years


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pivothead SMART Glasses Might Be the Next Big Thing in Wearable Tech

Smartwatches are really cool but they don't seem to be quite as great or in-demand as expected. Basically, they haven't proven their usefulness yet. But the idea of wearable technology, in general, is a popular one. The question is: which product is going to break out?

Many experts believe smart glasses are the real future of wearable tech and some think the new Pivothead SMART will be the category killer (and maybe Google Glass killer as well). These lightweight glasses have an 8MP camera built in that's capable of recording high-def video. They also allow you to easily increase batter power, add Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, increase storage space, and upgrade to "livestreaming" capability.

Pretty dang cool. Check out the new promo video:

We like 'em!

Learn some mo': Pivothead's new video capture glasses let you mix and match power, storage and wireless add-ons

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

E-Bike Innovation "Copenhagen Wheel" Available to Buy!

Riding a bicycle is about to get a lot easier, more enjoyable, and practical! First we had the FlyKly. Now we have the strangely similar Copenhagen Wheel, an MIT project that's been in the works for years.

Both will turn your regular old boring bike into a super smooth, easy-to-ride "e-bike" that's connected to your smartphone. Both are being called the next huge thing in urban transportation. Both will cost about $600 - $700, at least at first.

We say: We want to buy both of them asap!

Check out the Copenhagen launch video below:

What do you think??

Sunday, December 8, 2013

New "FiLIP" Smartwatch Tracks Your Kids (or Whoever Else You Want)

Want to know where exactly your child (or husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, dog, etc) is at all times? Would you like to send a message to your kid when it's time for him or her to get home for dinner? Then you're gonna love the new FiLIP smartwatch device.

The chunky-looking "wearable tech" product is designed to be worn by children any time they're out of the house or away from their parents. It tracks location using GPS, WiFi triangulation, and cell tower location and can receive text messages. It has a special emergency button that automatically sends a bunch of texts, makes multiple phone calls, and causes the watch to record all nearby sound in case of a kidnapping or other dangerous event.

The makers, who worked with AT&T to develop the big-faced smartwatch, say the FiLIP was designed to be wearable mainly because kids lose just about everything not carefully attached to their bodies.

We say: The FiLIP and other similar tracking gadgets are gonna be a big hit in the US, which is home to millions of overprotective mothers. But we definitely see it being used in, uh, "creative" ways by jealous girlfriends and loving dog owners!

Watch the video below for more on this interesting new product:

Learn some mo': http://gigaom.com/2013/11/19/filip-a-wearable-watch-phone-for-kids-launches-for-199-with-10-plan/

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

First Commercial SpaceX Rocket Takes Off

After several big FAILS, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket was finally able to launch its big butt up into outer-space today. Its commercial satellite payload will be left over 22,000 miles away from the Earth's surface, aka in "geostationary" orbit.

Check out the launch video below:

Learn some mo': Third time's the charm: SpaceX launches big commercial satellite

Monday, December 2, 2013

Amazon Delivery Drones Go BIG After 60 Minutes Unveiling

Forget 2-day delivery! Imagine ordering something on Amazon.com and having it delivered directly to your doorstep within 30 minutes. That's exactly the reality the company hopes to create within the next few years, according to new 60 Minutes story.

Amazon is developing unmanned, GPS-guided "Prime Air" octocopter drones that can take smaller (under 5 lbs probably) packages directly from warehouses to the buyers home, as long as it is within range. The helicopter-looking vehicles could become the next big thing in fast delivery, according to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

According to Bezos:
"I know this looks like science fiction. It's not. It drops the package. You come and get your package and we can do half-hour deliveries."

We say: This could easily be a very early April Fool's joke or just a big publicity stunt, and not everyone is really excited about it, but we like it... A LOT! The sooner these drones get into action the better. We're tired of waiting 2 whole days for our low-cost sporting goods and Chinese-made junk gadgets!!

Video below:

Learn some mo': Amazon Reveals It Wants To Deploy Delivery Drones. No Joke.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Auburn Missed Field Goal Return: Greatest End to a College Football Game Ever?

This missed field goal return by Auburn player Chris Davis could easily be considered the best end to a college football game in history:

What do you think?

We say: War Eagle!!!

Learn some mo': http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=333340002

Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Race Car Driver"/Wealth Advisor Roger Rodas Crashes Porsche, Kills Actor Paul Walker

World famous actor and occasional race car driver Paul Walker was killed today in Santa Clarita, California when his good friend Roger Rodas crashed his Porsche Carrera into a tree, turning it into a fireball. Rodas is apparently a professional driver himself, a Merrill Lynch wealth adviser, and CEO of Walker's custom auto company Always Evolving.

The actor, best known for his roles in the Fast & Furious movies, had been attending an event for his own charity organization Reach Out Worldwide. It is not yet known why in the hell Rodas was driving a high-performance sports cars through a Southern California neighborhood at such fast speeds.

Video below:

Learn some mo': http://www.tmz.com/2013/11/30/paul-walker-dead-dies-car-accident-fatal-fire-crash/

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Study: Drinking Coffee = Better Circulation

These beans could boost your blood vessels (Photo credit)
More good news about coffee: the natural caffeine in the popular beverage may help to improve blood flow in the body and help protect you from cardiovascular disease, according to a new study from Japan. Researchers in Okinawa found that caffeinated coffee seems to boost blood vessel function in already-healthy people.

Boring old decaf coffee doesn't do anything (of course!).

According to heart health expert professor Masato Tsutsui:
"This gives us a clue about how coffee may help improve cardiovascular health.... it could lead to a new treatment strategy for cardiovascular disease in the future."
It seems like every week there's more evidence of the health benefits of coffee, so none of this is really surprising. It's good to know that such an inexpensive and delicious beverage can provide such a big health kick!

We say: As long as you keep giving us excuses to consume massive amounts of coffee and energy drinks, we'll be happy...

Learn some mo': Drinking coffee significantly improves blood flow, study finds

Video: Alex Ariza Gets Scared, Kicks Freddie Roach

World famous boxing trainer Freddie Roach, who's prepping Manny Pacquiao for his fight this weekend, must still be a complete badass -- even though he's 53 years old and suffers from Parkinson's disease. In fact, his former employee Alex Ariza (a "strength and conditioning coach" who may or may not give steroids to his fighters), is so scared of him that he kicked him in the chest during an argument in a Chinese gym this week.

Check it out:

What do you think? Is Freddie Roach too dangerous to be out in public? Is Alex Ariza the most cowardly man in the sport of boxing? Is Manny going to give his opponent a revenge beat down on Saturday??

Leave your comments below...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The New Pet Hair Cleaning Roomba Robot Vacuum is Here

Pet owners have been waiting a long time for an automatic robotic vacuum that "eats" dog and cat hair quickly and easily, without clogging up. The new Roomba 880 vacuum apparently does exactly that. It also sucks up 50% more dirt than previous models.

Of course, nothing is perfect, and (according to Mashable) the new Roomba has a few flaws. But still, we dog owners love the effort!

Check it out in the video below:

What do you think about this robotic vacuuming breakthrough? Share your thoughts below!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

FDA: Say Bye Bye to Trans Fats

After many years of expert warnings and massive amounts of evidence proving their dangers, trans fats are finally being banned by the Food and Drug Administration. It's not the first time the FDA has cracked down on these dangerous fats but this action is obviously a lot bigger!

More in the video below:

Learn some mo': F.D.A. Ruling Would All but Eliminate Trans Fats

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Google Smartwatch: Coming THIS Month?

There are rumors zooming around the geek interwebs that search engine giant Google may be releasing a new smartwatch product this month. A Russian blogger from AndroidPolice.com says the product is code-named "Gem" (or possibly "Nexus Watch") and will be launched along with a new version of the Android operating system (called KitKat) on October 31st.

There have been rumors about a new Google smartwatch for a couple of years now but it would be a little surprising if they do end up announcing it this month. Of course, now that the Samsung Gear is out in the market, along with the new Sony Smartwatch 2 -- not to mention the very good possibility of an Apple iWatch release in the near future -- it would probably be a good move for the company.

We way: We're hoping and praying for a very cool-looking, not-too-expensive, and extremely functional Google Android smartwatch to come out before Christmas. Preferably one that wakes us up, makes us coffee, filters annoying calls and text messages, and finds great late-night TV shows all by itself!

Learn some mo': Google Gem smartwatch to be unearthed with Android 4.4 KitKat?


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Who is Miriam Carey of Connecticut?

This morning dental hygienist Miriam Carey of Connecticut decided to "attack" the White House, hurt a police officer, lead Washington DC police and Secret Service agents on a high-speed car chase towards the US Capital building... and then get herself shot. The Brooklyn, New York native had a young child (who luckily wasn't injured) in her black Infiniti sedan and was shot at several times before stopping.

So now we all want to know: who is Miriam Carey? Did she have a gripe against the federal government? Did she hate President Obama? Is she pissed off that's she's not getting her welfare checks during the shutdown? Was she just trying to take a tour of the White House grounds?

Is she Mariah's cousin??

Miriam Carey's Facebook Photos
Capitol police say they don't yet know much about the woman or her motive. They say it was probably an "isolated incident" and not related to terrorism. A source from ABC news stated that she had a history of being batshit crazy mental health issues.

If anyone knows anything about Ms Carey please post a comment below... thanks!

Learn some mo':



Exercise Is as Good as Drugs for Heart Disease and Diabetes Prevention (and Better Than Stroke Drugs!)

Exercise is equally as good as prescription drugs when it comes to treating heart disease and pre-diabetes -- a condition that develops before someone turns into a full-blown diabetic -- according to a new study from Harvard, Stanford, and the London School of Economics. It's actually better than drugs for stroke victims!

Researchers found that there is no "statistically detectable" difference between a regular exercise routine and heart drugs in patients with coronary heart disease or pre-diabetes. According to their report:

"In cases where drug options provide only modest benefit, patients deserve to understand the relative impact that physical activity might have on their condition."

Interestingly, the report also noted the relatively small amount of trial-based research on the health benefits of exercise, compared to research on drugs. They state that this "blind spot" in scientific evidence related to exercise may prevent doctors and patients from fully understanding the benefits of exercise over drugs.

We say: The fact that working out is as good as or better than drugs isn't' surprising. What is surprising to us is the fact that 3 major universities would actually publish the truth and risk pissing off their billion dollar pharmaceutical company donors!

Learn some mo': Exercise 'as good as medicines' in treating heart disease

Photo by edsonhong1

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Solar Panels Coming to an IKEA Near You

Swedish furniture maker IKEA has decided to begin selling home solar panels as part of a new strategy to bring low-cost renewable energy to the mainstream market. The first store to sell the panels is located in Southampton, England and the company has plans to market them throughout the UK in the next few months.

The IKEA solar energy package will be a standard 3.36 kilowatt system and will cost about $9000. IT will include in-store consultation, design service, installation, regular maintenance, and an energy monitoring service. The company says a typical British home owner can expect to pay off the investment within about 7 years.

According to IKEA Chief Sustainability Officer Steve Howard:

"In the past few years the prices on solar panels have dropped, so it's a really good price now... It's the right time to go for the consumers... If you are going to be in your house that long, your energy will be free after seven years."

We say: Fantastic! Now we just need an IKEA store here in Southern Nevada... aka the sunniest place on earth!

Learn some mo': IKEA Starts Selling Solar Panels in UK

Photo by: rpeschetz

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Samsung Gear: The First REAL Smartwatch?

Photo: SamsungTomorrow

It's finally here: a real smartwatch from a real electronics company (other than Sony)... or at least that's what Samsung would have us believe. The Korean tech giant showed off its new digital wristwatch -- called the Galaxy Gear smartwatch -- this week at the Internationale Funkausstellung trade show in Berlin and promised it would totally change the world of wearable computing forever.

The Android-based watch allows you to receive calls and text messages (via a tethered smartphone), take photos, track your fitness progress, and use all kinds of interesting apps. It will even help you find your cell phone... as long as it's a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and it's within a 30-foot Bluetooth range.

Some reviewers aren't thrilled with it, especially since it doesn't work with the vast majority of smartphones, at least not yet. Here's a nice review from Inspector Gadget-fan Joanna Stern:

More from CNet News:

And learn some mo' here: Samsung's $299 Galaxy Gear smartwatch coming Sept. 25

Got any questions or comments about this interesting new "intelligent" watch? Leave them below!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

French Study: E-Cigarettes Not That Healthy After All

So it turns out the hot new thing in "healthy" smoking really isn't that much better for you than regular old tobacco cigarettes, according to a new study from the smoking capital of the world: France. Their National Consumer Institute found that many of the little electronic nicotine vaporizers actually kick out a fairly significant amount of nasty toxic chemicals, just like their plant-based cousins.

About a third of the e-cigs tested contained high levels of formaldehyde and acrolein, almost as much as those found in regular cigarettes. Both of those chemicals are well known carcinogens and lung damagers. According to Thomas Laurenceau from the National Consumer Institute:

"Electronic cigarettes are far from the harmless gadgets that they are presented as... This is not a reason to ban them, but to place them under better control."

This and other new studies showing the potential health risks of e-cigarettes aren't likely to go over well with the companies and stores that sell them. Even some of the smoking industry "giants" are now pushing the products as safe smoking alternatives and/or "quit smoking" tools. Still, the good news is that it appears several brands/models -- 7 out of 10 of the ones tested -- don't contain high levels of bad chemicals.

We say: Since e-smoking is expected to become a $10 billion industry in the next few years, we don't expect this study or any other to really affect it that much. Here in Vegas you can see people smoking these weird little things (not to mention "e-hookahs") all over the place now. It will be interesting to see how anti-smoking establishments change their laws/rules to handle all the e-smoke!

Learn some mo': Study says e-cigarettes may contain carcinogens similar to regular cigarettes

Photo credit: chiropractic

Monday, August 12, 2013

Bowflex Boost: The Next Hot Fitness Gadget

Activity-tracking devices have become a big part of the fitness and exercise gadget business. In the past year, wireless bracelets have exploded in popularity, especially the Fitbit Flex Band and the Jawbone Up bracelet. Now Nautilus Inc. is ready to jump in the game with the Bowflex Boost wrist band, which is designed to be a cheaper, better alternative to existing products.
The sleek and futuristic-looking Bowflex Boost bracelet
The Boost is small, light, and priced at around $50, possibly giving it a big marketing advantage over the $100 - $150 offerings from Nike, Fitbit, and Jawbone. Nautilus, best known for high-priced home exercise products like the TreadClimber and Bowflex gyms, says it's part of a new strategy to offer a wider variety of health and fitness-related products.

The Bowflex band allows users to track how many steps they take, how far they travel, and approximately how many calories they burned during the day. It wirelessly connects to an iPhone app (and soon an Android app) so activity levels -- and calorie burning progress -- can easily be tracked over time. Like other popular fitness bands, the Boost can even provide information about the quality of your sleep... if you're willing to wear something on your write all night!

The Boost's low price is the main thing that will set it apart from similar products, according to Nautilus. CEO Bruce Cazenave said:
“Some of the things [our product] does might be similar to what other people are doing... The difference is that ours is going to be very, very affordable. Some of these products are well north of $100. Ours will be at a $50 price point.... That’s going to open some eyes and ears, and lead to [people saying] 'I need to take a look at this... Then it becomes affordable for a wide variety of people, some who are already fit, others looking to get off the couch.”
The corporation's earnings recently took a pretty big hit, so the need to offer lower-priced products that appeal to a wider variety of consumers is obvious. After all, not everyone has $2200 lying around to spend on the most popular model of TreadClimber. According to Cazenave:
"During tough economic times, we realized there were product opportunities below $500 that we weren't addressing... You will still see products coming from us that are more than $1,000. We aren't abandoning that. But we thought we needed to complement it with lower- priced products, to get to people who may not want to take out a loan, which many people do when you have higher-priced products."

We say: The Bowflex Boost is a very good idea. Lots of people (like us!) want to track their weight loss progress but don't want to spend $100+ on an easily lost or damaged bracelet computer. It will be interesting to see how this product and some of the new fitness smartwatch devices shake things up in the wearable computing market!

Read some mo': Nautilus Boosts Product Lineup

Monday, July 29, 2013

Study: Caffeine May Be a Natural Anti-Depressant

by: Javier Benek
Not only might coffee help you live a lot longer, it might also help you avoid depression and even keep you from killing yourself! A team from the Harvard School of Public Health found that people who drink 2 to 4 cups of caffeinated coffee every day have significantly lower suicide risk than those who avoid or drink very little of the popular beverage.

Many experts believe it's the caffeine that's providing the natural anti-depressant benefit and that almost any source of the stimulant could provide similar results. 2 - 4 cups of coffee is equal to around 400 mg of caffeine. Interestingly, drinking more than 4 cups of coffee per day doesn't appear to lower suicide risks.

Caffeine's powerful effects on human brain neurochemistry are well known. It acts as a "mimic" of an important tiredness-regulating chemical called adenosine and strongly affects levels of the neuro-stimulating chemicals dopamine and glutamate. The overall effect is a big boost in mental energy/stimulation and, it appears, a lessening of depression.

The findings aren't conclusive but at least it gives us another reason to spend all that money on Starbucks!

Learn some mo': Will A Few Cups Of Coffee A Day Keep The Blues Away?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Google Chromecast Set to Take Over Your Television

Google hasn't had much luck grabbing control of our televisions but a new $35 product may change things dramatically. The Chromecast device looks like a big "dongle" and can wirelessly connect your laptop, tablet, and smartphone to your TV, allowing for high-quality streaming video.

The move puts Google back into the fight with Apple, Microsoft, and other tech companies struggling to make internet-connect "smart TV's" a common reality. Home entertainment is a $18 billion industry in the United States along, so obviously the potential profits are humongous.

The Chromecast is being marketed as a simple, small, easy-to-connect device that plugs into any TV HDMI port. It connects automatically to any close-by wireless Internet network and can be controlled with most Android and Apple mobile devices.

It will be in direct competition for the higher-priced Apple AirPlay platform as well as Microsoft's Xbox One video gaming system (and "SmartGlass" technology).

We say: This is GREAT because we're tired of trying to hook things up via 10 foot HDMI cords and mini-USB connections (but we weren't willing to pay over $50 to fix things!).

Learn some mo': Chromecast gives Google a seat in America's living rooms

Check out this hands-on video:


What do you think about the Chromecast??

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Scary Truth About the Future of Bananas

Much like bee-pollinated foods, the future of one of the world's favorite fruits is very much in doubt:

We think it's time for a banana science revolution!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Crazy Summer Storm Floods Las Vegas Strip

Even a short, swift downpour can cause an unbelievable amount of chaos in our crazy city: overturned trees, flooded casinos, Hurricane-level winds, and even busted Strip bar roofs...

A powerful thunderstorm swept through the Las Vegas Valley last night, flooding the Strip and killing power for 33,000 people in the area. Strong tornado-like winds knocked down trees and utility poles in several parts of the city. Hours after the storm passed several casinos on the Strip and downtown's Fremont Street were still without electricity.

.22 inches of rainfall set a new 1-day record at McCarran Airport and over an inch was recorded in the Henderson suburb to the south. A 71 mph wind gust was recorded at Nellis Air Force base to the north. Buildings all over the valley were struck by thousands of flashes of lightning.

And then this craziness happened at Gilley's Country Saloon & Dance Hall at the Treasure Island casino:

A look at the flooding behind the Mandalay Bay on the Strip:

We say: Any Vegas rain is OK with us! This town is wayyy too dry! :)

Learn some mo': Fierce Summer Storm Sweeps Over Vegas Strip

New Studies Confirm Your Genes Make You Fat!

Being very overweight or obese may truly be due to "bad" genes, according to a new research published in Science and in the Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI). Experts from Boston Children’s Hospital found a genetic abnormality in some mice that keeps them from burning fat the way normal mice do. The gene mutation exists in some obese people.

Another group of researchers from University College London report that a form of a gene already suspected in obesity can actually increase your fatty food cravings!

The new research show that our personal biology has a HUGE effect on our metabolisms, body fat levels, body weight, and overall health. Weight and BMI, according to experts, are determined by much more than just diet and activity level.

A complex combination of genetics, hormones, appetite-regulating enzymes, metabolic characteristics, diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors determines how much we weight and how our bodies look. So the next time someone calls you fat now you can show them evidence that your grandparents are to blame!

Learn some mo': New Genes IDd in Obesity: How Much of Weight is Genetic?

Friday, July 19, 2013

Detroit Is Officially BANKRUPT!

One of the United States' most important -- and most violent -- cities is now officially bankrupt. Absolutely incredible...

What do you think about the largest American city to ever declare bankruptcy??

Learn some mo': Billions in Debt, Detroit Tumbles Into Insolvency

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Study: More Fish Oil = More Prostate Cancer

Taking lots of fish oil supplements may increase a man's risk of prostate cancer, according to a new report from Ohio State University. Researchers found that men with high concentration of marine-derived omega-3 fatty acids had a greater than 40% higher risk of coming down with the very "private" form of cancer.

There's quite a bit of evidence showing that omega 3's are good for the heart and brain, but taking them in supplement form, instead of getting them from natural seafood sources, may not be a great idea for most men. Experts say the unique fatty acids may act on the body's cells in much more complex ways than previously thought. In fact, one theory is that they actually increase oxidative stress while decreasing inflammation in a strange, not-yet-understood way.

Learn some mo': Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked to Higher Risk of Cancer

By the way, many health experts have been talking about the connection between fish oil and prostate cancer for some time now:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Study: Beer Is Good for Your Heart!

According to a new study from Greece, drinking some beer may provide serious heart health benefits. Researchers from Harokopio University compared cardiovascular health signals in a group of young men who had drank beer, non-alcoholic beer, and vodka. All experienced some heart benefits but the beer drinkers experienced significantly more than the others.

Endothelial function -- the measure of how easily blood passes through arteries -- improved in the beer drinkers but not in the vodka or near-beer consumers. The researchers believe that beer's high antioxidant content was responsible for the heart health boost.

We say: It's about time another "health" study came out re-affirming our commitment to heavy beer (and wine and whisky) drinking!

Learn some mo': Beer can be good for your heart

Monday, July 1, 2013

Study: Vitamin C, Cysteine Kill TB

Does citrus kill TB too?
Photo Credit
Here's some more good news about vitamin C: it appears to be very good at killing tuberculosis! Researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York made an "accidental" discovery while studying TB drug resistance. They found that both the amino acid cysteine and vitamin C -- both reducing agents -- directly killed TB bacteria in a test tube.

Here's the best part: tuberculosis doesn't appear to develop resistance to vitamin C the way it does to nearly all other drugs. Researchers said it is "almost like a dream drug" in a video released by the college.

Obviously killing TB in test tubes and killing it inside the human body are two very different things. But experts say the new findings will definitely lead to more research in the use of vitamin C, cysteine, and other nutrient chemicals in the future. New forms of multi-drug resistance (MDR) TB are becoming a major threat to global health so there's a strong hope that vitamin C will provide a new therapy in the battle.

We say: It will be very interesting to see if any significant TB treatment research is actually done on vitamin C, cysteine, or any other cheap vitamin that can't be patented by the large pharmaceutical companies!

Learn some mo':  Accidental find shows Vitamin C kills tuberculosis


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Marlboro E-Cigarette Is Here

It was only a matter of time. The owner of the world-famous cigarette brand Marlboro has decided to launch its own electronic cigarette product. Altria Group Inc hopes to take advantage of a recent consumer trend -- "smokeless" cigarettes -- in order to try to offset the sales slump of regular cigarettes.

More smoking bans, health worries, and increasing taxes on tobacco products have moved millions of Americans to try e-cigarettes, which provide the nicotine boost of regular tobacco products without the burning smoke. Basically they vaporize liquid nicotine from disposable cartridges and, at least in theory, greatly reduce the health risks (although some doctors disagree) and inconvenience of regular old smoking. Some of the products are promoted as ways to quit smoking gradually, or at least limit the damage it does.

The new e-cigs will be sold under the "MarkTen" brand and priced around $10 each, with new nicotine cartridges sold in packs. Many industry experts expect all the other major tobacco companies to follow Altria's lead and come out with their own electronic cigarettes within the next couple of years.

We say: This is kinda cool but we're still worried about the toxic nano-sized metal particles found in some e-cigarette products.

Learn some mo': Marlboro maker Altria to sell e-cigarettes

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More Carbon Dioxide in Air = Greener Deserts

Apparently all the carbon dioxide gas building up in Earth's atmosphere is helping to make its deserts greener, according to a new report from the Geophysical Research Letters scientific journal. Researchers found that "leaf cover" in arid areas (dry deserts in the US, Australia, the Middle East, and Africa) have increased by 11 percent in just the past 30 years, most likely due to increased photosynthesis from rising CO2 levels.

The research confirms the theories held by many global climate experts: more carbon "plant food" equals more plants all over the planet Earth. Other studies have shown that vegetation has increased everywhere, not just in the deserts and that warming temperatures and increased rainfall may also be having a strong effect.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide, which has increased nearly 15% in the past 30 years, seems to be especially fueling tree growth. According to Australian researcher Randall Donohue:
"Trees are reinvading grasslands, and this could quite possibly be related to the carbon dioxide effect... Long lived woody plants are deep rooted and are likely to benefit more than grasses from an increase in carbon dioxide... The effect of higher carbon dioxide levels on plant function is an important process that needs greater consideration"

We say: Good news! Who cares if rising CO2 levels are raising sea levels... the Las Vegas desert needs more palm trees!

Learn some mo': Carbon Dioxide Greening Deserts

Friday, May 31, 2013

New Clean Energy Production Method Might Lower Carbon Dioxide Levels Too!

Scientists may have discovered a new technique that solves many of the world's energy problems, and a few of its environmental problems too. A new report from researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory describes a way to produce ultra-clean hydrogen fuel while capturing CO2 and neutralize ocean acidification... all at the same time.

The potential giant leap in clean energy production involves mixing salt water and silicate minerals and then running an electrical current through the solution (aka "electrolysis"). By using a novel and relatively simple technique, all kinds of good things happen, including increasing the carbon content of the water greatly while simultaneously creating acid-reducing bicarbonate.

Experts say this technique produces "super-green" hydrogen because, unlike most methods (which are "carbon neutral" at best), it actually consumes CO2. The biggest obstacle will be lowering the cost and scaling the technology up in a way that makes real-world production economically viable. Also, technological hurdles like hydrogen gas storage and transportation problems must be overcome to make this a long-term clean energy solution.

Still, there is great hope that this new technology will lead to an abundance of clean fuel as well as a possible reduction in greenhouse gases. According to Greg Rau, study co-author:

"We think this suggests a process that is significantly cheaper and safer than other chemical air capture methods that have been proposed."

Learn some mo': Scientists Invent Super-Clean Hydrogen Fuel Technique That Could Save Us All

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Marijuana: The Anti-Obesity, Anti-Diabetes Wonder Drug?

Compounds found in the marijuana plant appear to help control blood sugar levels, increase "good cholesterol" in active smokers/users, lower the risk of diabetes, and keep people thin... according to new research published in the American Journal of Medicine. Harvard scientists found that consuming cannabis seems to protect against obesity and diabetes -- while lowering overall body-mass-index (BMI) -- despite the fact that users tend to consume more food calories due to the well-known "munchies" effect of the drug.

What is the reason for this perplexing conundrum? According to lead Harvard researcher Murray Mittleman:

"...[marijuana users] appeared to have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers... Their fasting insulin levels were lower, and they appeared to be less resistant to the insulin produced by their body to maintain a normal blood-sugar level."

The cannabinoid receptors in the human brain are very involved in hunger and metabolism. But researchers still aren't exactly sure how cannabis compounds change the interaction between appetite, eating, and the body's insulin response. The diet drug rimonabant acts on cannabinoid receptors in a very different way than THC, leading to a decrease in fasting insulin levels and weight loss. (Unfortunately, rimonabant has the nasty side effect like making you want to kill yourself, so it's never been legal to buy in the US.)

We say: Awesome! More good news about a plant that is obviously some kind of miracle drug store from nature!

Learn some mo': Marijuana: The next diabetes drug?

Xbox One "Highlights" Video Gets LOTS of Views

Someone made a funny video showing the "highlights" from the strange announcement for the new Xbox One video game console. It has has managed to get over 4 million views in just a couple of days. Check it out below...

We say: That's pretty good... :)


What do you think about the video and the new Microsoft Xbox 1??

Friday, May 3, 2013

That Sexy Red Lipstick Might Be Full of Toxic Metals

Watch out how you make yourself beautiful. Many types of lipstick may contain toxic metals, according to a new report from UC Berkeley's School of Public Health. A team of researchers tested 32 popular lipstick and lip gloss makeup products and found a lot of lead, aluminum, chromium, and cadmium -- among other not-so-healthy chemicals -- in many of them.

Back in 2011 an FDA investigation found lead in some brands of lipstick but, at least according to the government "experts," not enough to pose serious health risks. The Berkeley study searched for many more compounds beyond lead and, obviously, the findings we're very good.

According to head researcher Katharine Hammond:
"Just finding these metals isn't the issue. It's the levels that matter... This study is saying, 'FDA, wake up and pay attention' ."

We way: Toxic crap in makeup and cosmetics is nothing new. That's why, increasingly, we're attracted to "natural-look" women who don't use too much deodorant and who never get Black Henna tattoos.

Learn some mo': Lipstick study opens up concerns about carcinogen

Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Genetically-Engineered Bacteria Can Create Biofuel That Actually Works

Finally, we have a "super-bacteria" that actually does some good!

Researchers from Britain's University of Exeter have created a new form of E. coli bacteria that appears to turn glucose sugar into a fuel that can be used in normal internal combustion engines, something never done before. Most biofuels are not very engine-friendly and actually damage engine parts via corrosion over time. The new super-bacteria fuel is nearly identical chemically to petroleum-based fuels and doesn't have the same problems.

The Exter researchers combined genes from camphor, algae, and regular soil bacteria to create the new bacteria. When fed sugar, it creates fatty acids and then converts them into hydrocarbon molecules that are "chemically and structurally identical to commercial fuel."

According to a lead researcher:
"We are biologically producing the fuel that the oil industry makes and sells."
Now all they have to do is figure out how to ramp up the process on a massive scale that's profitable to oil-production companies. Experts believe the new bacteria's DNA can be further altered to allow it to feed on cheap straw and/or manure. So, if things work out, we won't need to use food crops to create gasoline for our cars (as is the case with ethanol).

We say: This is great. Where can we buy some of this bacteria so we can start turning dog poop into gas??

Learn some mo: Bacteria churn out first ever petrol-like biofuel

Monday, April 15, 2013

Gold Prices Dropping Like a Hot Potato

Gold prices have taken a stunning hit on the same day that a small terrorist attack in Boston dinged the stock market. Monday's 9% drop was the biggest one-day decrease in gold values since 1980 and caps an overall 25% reduction since October 2012. Many investors fear the normally "safe" precious metal investment is no longer a sure bet.

One of the biggest causes of the drop was evidence showing a major slow-down in the growth of the Chinese economy. A new report released this morning showed that China grew at only 7.7 percent since the beginning of 2013, compared to around 8% at the end of 2012. A combination of bad manufacturing data from the US and the Boston Marathon attacks led to a stock market sell-off on top of the gold price implosion.

After a decade of incredible prices increases, it looks like the "magic" of gold seems to be vaporizing. It's value has seen a steady decline since reaching a historic high of nearly $1900 an ounce in the summer of 2011. Combined with the 4% price reduction of last Friday, Monday's drop pushed gold into an official "bear" market (defined as a 20% drop from  recent high value).

The drops have come as a huge surprise to many, especially the thousands of Americans who have invested most or all of their retirement savings in physical gold or gold-related investments in recent years. Many financial experts have been expecting gold prices to begin rising again due to the Federal Reserve's stimulus-focused bond-buying/money-printing actions.

Also, to the dismay of many right-wingers and Obama-haters in the US, the country's economy is slowly improving and massive inflation has not hit. The 2012 election has not yet led to the dramatic economic problems so many have been betting on with gold. According to metals trader Matt Zeman:
"Gold has had all the reason in the world to be moving higher — but it hasn’t been able to do it... The situation has not deteriorated the way that a lot of people thought it could."

We say: Oh good, now we can afford to buy some more gold! :)

Learn some mo': Price of Gold Takes a Flashy Fall; Other Markets Follow

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Omega 3 Fat DHA Will Boost Your Immune System

More good news for fish oil fans...

The omega 3 fats found in seafood may boost the immune system, according to new research from Michigan State and ECU. Scientists found that consuming fish oil high in the omega 3 component docosahexaenoic acid (aka DHA) appears to increase activity of immune system cells, specially "B" white blood cells.

Most interestingly, the unique way the DHA appears to boost immune response in mice makes researchers think it may be especially valuable for people with weak immune systems. There is still some doubt about whether or not fish oil supplements and other omega 3 supplements are better than, or even as good as, whole fish and shellfish. But most experts agree consuming fish 2-4 times per week is a good idea for optimal health.

According to Dr Raza Shaikh from East Carolina University:
“This work confirms similar findings on fish oil and B cells from our lab, and moves us one step closer to understanding the immune enhancing properties of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid."
We say: Omega 3 fatty acids may help us live longer, get sick less often, avoid heart disease, and possibly even kill tumors?? We say pass the krill oil!

Learn some mo': Fish Oil Could Boost Immune System, Study Suggests

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Expert: Smart Watches to Replace Smartphones

photo of 3 Pebble watches
The New "Pebble" Smartwatches
Many tech experts believe that smart watches are going to be the "next big thing" in personal technology. Writer Michael Wolf thinks the new "intelligent" watches being unleashed on the US market might soon replace our iPhones, Galaxies, and other smartphones.

In a new article on Forbes.com he says that the new wrist computers will soon change how we think about mobile computing, just like the iPad and other tablets did. In fact, they could eventually become even more popular than tablets and laptops.

It's definitely true that the pace of modern technology development means things that once seemed absurd can quickly become "must have" devices. In the 80's (and even early 90's) very few people would have believed that billions of human beings would be walking around talking on mobile phones by the mid 2000's.

Wolf believes the new smart watches will eventually overtake smartphones in popularity in some demographics (like men who hate carrying phones everywhere). They will get to a point, probably rather quickly, where they have all the same essential features of smartphones. Also, improvement in voice recognition software should make smart watches much more useful than they are now.

Here's one great quote from Wolf:
"... think about it this way. Five decades ago computers filled entire rooms, and phones were stuck to walls. Twenty five years ago computers filled entire desktops, and for the past few decades they've been on our lap. Now they've teamed up with the phone and taken up residence in our pocket.... Is it so strange to think that one day they might actually sit on our wrists?"
Definitely not!

We say: We are 100% certain smart watches are going to be BIG, at least in the United States and, most likely, Asia. We actually hate having to carry clunky cell phones everywhere so being able to strap a "mini" smartphone on our wrists and go sounds like a wonderful idea!

Learn some mo': Here's Why a Smartwatch May Eventually Replace Your Smartphone

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Omega 3 Fats from Fish Might Help You Live Longer

Eating oily fish full of healthy omega-3 fats can help you live longer, according to new research from the Harvard School of Public Health. A study there showed that older people with the highest blood concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids from salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, and trout lived over 2 years longer than people with lower levels.

The study did not look at fish oil, krill oil, or other omega 3 supplements -- only at normal dietary intake of the healthy fats via seafood. Researchers say higher blood levels of omega-3's reduced overall risk of dying from any cause by up to 27%, and by 35% of dying from cardiovascular/heart disease.

Interestingly, the Harvard study was one of the first to rely on actual blood testing instead of self-reporting of dietary habits. The participants, who averaged around 75 years of age, provide blood samples and allowed the researchers to perform physical exams during the course of the study.

We say: This is very good news... we love smoked kippers, crackers, and beer!

Learn some mo': Omega-3s Prolong Life: Harvard Study

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Union Workers Shut Down Vegas Strip, Get Arrested

Nearly 100 casino workers were arrested for blocking traffic on the Las Vegas Strip yesterday. The Culinary Union members were protesting in front of the young Cosmopolitan casino for what they say is unfair treatment by owner Deutsche Bank.

Thousands of tourists got a free show watching the red-shirted workers yell and chant things like “If we don’t get no contract, you don’t get no peace." They managed to shut down traffic on one of the world's busiest boulevards for more than 1 hour... in both directions!

Vegas' biggest union has been trying to get a contract with the German bank for over two years. They've been in negotiations with casino management but have been unable to get a deal they like.Yesterday was the first time in 20 years they used non-violent "civil disobedience" tactics to cause problems and get public attention.

We say: We understand why workers expect and deserve fair wages and benefits here in our home city of Las Vegas. But the Culinary Union is known for asking for too much, especially in a bad economy. Hopefully they can get a fair contract -- both for the struggling Cosmo and for themselves -- and not have to block any more traffic... especially while we're driving down there!

Learn some mo': 98 arrested in rally on Vegas Strip

Sexy Kiana Kim Does a Furniture Commercial (With Pete Rose)

Reality television semi-star Kiana Kim (aka the sexiest Korean model in the world) and her man Pete Rose recently decided to do a TV commercial for a furniture store in Cincinnati. Sounds funny -- or even a little strange -- but it's the honest truth.

Check it out:

Learn some mo': Pete Rose and fiancée Kiana Kim do furniture commercial


What do you think about sexy Kiana Kim doing commercials like this one? Leave your comments below!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lockheed Graphene: Cheap Seawater Desalination on the Way!

Here's some really good news for people who like to drink water, grow food, and bathe on a regular basis...

Well-known missile-builder Lockheed Martin has found a way to get the salt out of seawater that requires much less energy and is way cheaper than traditional methods. Some experts believe the discovery, based around ultra-thin carbon membranes called "graphene" filters, has the potential to solve many of the world's very serious potable water problems.

Unlike normal reverse osmosis -- the most common method for desalinating seawater -- the new Lockheed method doesn't require huge, high-power pumping stations and a ton of electricity to push the water through the Perforene graphene filters. Their thinness -- about the width of an atom -- allows them to function at much lower water pressures.

According to head Lockheed engineer John Stetson:
"[The graphene is] 500 times thinner than the best filter on the market today and a thousand times stronger... The energy that's required and the pressure that's required to filter salt is approximately 100 times less... It's all little carbon atoms tied together in a diaphanous, smooth film that's beautiful and continuous.... The amount of work it takes to squeeze that water through the torturous path of today's best membranes is gone..."
We say: Living here in the Las Vegas/Mojave desert, we have a very good understanding of the importance of fresh, drinkable water. Hopefully this new desalination technology will help keep the Bellagio's fountains running. Oh, and also save the lives of billions of people throughout the world in the future....

Learn some mo': Weapons-maker finds method for cheap, clean water