Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Interval Exercise = Faster, Better Fitness Benefits

Interval training -- based around short bursts of high-intensity exercise -- is much more effective than "normal" exercise for most people, according to lots of new research. It can give you more fitness benefits, including fat loss and improved cardiovascular conditioning, in much less time. And the best news is that recent studies show that interval training even works for older people and those with health problems, making it likely that health officials all over the world will change their exercise recommendations in the near future.

According to Norwegian fitness expert Jan Helgerud:
"High-intensity interval training is twice as effective as normal exercise... This is like finding a new pill that works twice as well ... we should immediately throw out the old way of exercising."
Increasing scientific and real-world evidence shows that high-intensity interval training is a smarter way to exercise than traditional "steady state" exercise. That's mainly because it improves overall fitness levels -- including strength and endurance -- as well as providing the same primary benefits of more "old school" exercise styles (such as weight control and improved heart health).

Experts also say that interval training can help you significantly reduce the amount of time you spend working out. Many people are much more willing to workout regularly if they know they only need to spend 15 to 30 minutes exercising. Unlike normal exercise, interval training sessions often continue to provide health and fitness benefits for many hours after a workout is completed -- including a faster metabolism, and more efficient weight loss!

Learn some mo': Interval training can cut exercise hours sharply

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