Saturday, September 11, 2010

Donald Trump Makes Another Pathetic Attempt to Get Into the Spotlight

Donald Trump loves free publicity. In fact you could say he's addicted to being in the limelight. According to many former business associates, he also loves screwing people over when doing deals. So it's no surprise that his attempt to buy the "Ground Zero Mosque" land is being called "pathetic" by one of the lawyers involved.

And apparently the majority owner of the land -- Hisham Elzanaty -- doesn't even consider Trump's proposal to be genuine. Why? Because he offered such an incredibly small amount for it! He offered 6 MILLION DOLLARS. For a large piece of property. In Lower Manhattan. Some of the most valuable real estate in the history of the planet.

Even MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell took it upon himself to call Trump out and bust his balls on national television:

Classic, classic Trump.

According to The Donald:
"I am making this offer as a resident of New York and citizen of the United States, not because I think the location is a spectacular one (because it is not), but because it will end a very serious, inflammatory and highly divisive situation that is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse... Hopefully, something good can happen!"

Yeah right. That's why you tried to low-ball the owners so badly that it's difficult to tell whether or not your offer was even serious. Wait... of course it's not!

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