Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Best Hangover Cure: Coffee & Aspirin?

For thousands of years man has looked for the best cure for a painful hangover. Scientists now confirm what lots of us have long suspected: the best hangover cure is coffee and aspirin. Researchers from Harvard University say that the effects of the caffeine from the coffee and the pain-killing, inflammation-reducing properties of aspirin combine to relieve headaches and other painful symptoms associated with drinking too much alcohol.

When we drink alcohol (aka ethanol) our bodies produce a chemical acetate that can cause severe "brain pain". Researchers found that caffeine and anti-inflammatory drugs can block the acetate production and help relieve hangover-related headaches. Many experts also recommend drinking large amounts of water and/or fruit juice to help re-hydrate the body.

Some other popular "best" hangover cures include a vitamin C/vitamin B powder such as Emergen-C as well as natural coconut water, which has tons of electrolytes and other vital nutrients.

Living in Las Vegas we have a lot of experience dealing with nasty hangovers. The best treatment/prevention we've found is this: stop drinking at least an hour and a half before going to sleep. Drink lots of water during that time. If you've been drinking a lot consider taking a small aspirin and/or a large dose of milk thistle extract, which is a great natural liver protector and detoxer!

Have your own tips for curing a painful hangover? Leave them below.. thanks!

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