Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stem Cell Cures Baldness in Japan

Yes, that' is a "bald" mouse with a puff of new hair
sticking out of it's neck! :)
Now here's some real good news for all us balding dudes: a new type of stem cell therapy may lead to a real cure for baldness, according to fresh Japanese research. Scientists from Tokyo University of Science created new hair follicles from stem cells and then implanted them into the skin of hairless mice... and new hair grew out of them!

The good news is that the follicles continued to function normally, regenerating hair in normal growth cycles even after old hair fell out. Maybe even better news is that the Japanese researchers used easy-to-get adult stem cells, not embryo-extracted cells. Experts hope the new research will lead not only to a true baldness cure, but also to new ways to bio-engineer human organs.

 So, at least in theory, people will soon be able to use their own stem cells to grow fresh, fully-functioning hair follicles (say that 5 times quickly) and then possibly grow a new kidney or ear to go along with the full head of hair. Unfortunately, even if everything goes perfectly during the research and human tests, stem cell-based baldness treatments probably won't be available for 7-10 years!

 Learn some mo': Japanese study raises hopes of cure for baldness

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