Saturday, September 22, 2012

Turns Out Belly Fat Really IS Bad For Your Health

First they said belly fat is extremely dangerous. Then, more recently, they said it isn't so bad after all. Now they say it's actually just about the worst type of body fat we can carry around! Results of a new study showed that people with high levels of "central obesity" (aka big bellies) are almost 3 times more likely to diet from heart disease and twice as likely to die from any cause.

According to the researcher from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, having lots of abdominal fat is even worse than being fully obese. This is important because it's very possible to be at what's considered a "normal weight" for your height yet still have significant amounts of fat hanging off your stomach-area.

According to lead researcher and cardiologist  Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez:
"People with normal weight may be less likely to feel the need for lifestyle changes... But, central obesity isn't healthy even in those with normal weight."
Belly fat appears to have multiple negative affects on health. It increases insulin resistance and greatly increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Also, people with high levels of abdominal fat tend to have less "protective" fat in other areas of the body.

Experts say that if you're in the normal weight range for your height, sex, age etc. and have a lot of belly fat the best way to reduce the risks is to lose weight and increase lean muscle mass. Apparently, more evenly distributed body fat can greatly boost your long-term health.

We say: Getting rid of belly fat isn't that easy to do but this is definitely another reason to get back on the diet/regular exercise program!

Learn some mo': Belly Fat May Hurt Your Heart the Hardest

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