Sunday, December 13, 2009

Google Releases Their Own Smartphone

Despite what they've said in the past, Google has been developing its own smartphone and it's been released into the wild. They describe it as a "mobile lab" device that they'll test out with their own employees for the time being. Bloggers who have gotten their hands on the new Google Phone say that it's really a HTC Passion that will be called the Nexus One, run on the Android platform (obviously), and be sold directly by Google once it's ready. The word on the street is that the phone will be supported by the T-Mobile network at launch but no ones know yet if they will be the exclusive carrier. Without a doubt, the new "GPhone" will be a major new competitor to both the Droid and iPhone, not to mention all the other new Android-based smartphones that will be released in the next year. One blogger describe the new device as an "iPhone on beautifying steroids" so this should be an interesting battle to witness...

Learn some mo': Google Confirms They're Testing a "Mobile Lab" Device

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