Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Anti-Alzheimer's / Memory Booster Pill Might Be Coming Soon

Scientists may be on the verge of creating a drug that reverses Alzheimer's syndrome and dramatically boosts the memory. New research has identified a powerful gene in mice that gives them "super memory" powers and fights off the negative effects of several degenerative mental illnesses, including Alzheimer's.

Mice brains and human brains are surprisingly similar so some in the scientific community believe a drug could be developed based on harnessing the power of this brain-boosting super gene. Researchers found that it blocks the release of a another gene -- called PKR -- that triggers the beginning of Alzheimer's disease. Aside from protecting the brain it appears to greatly increase the memory recall abilities of mice.

 According to lead researcher Maura Costa-Mattioli:
 "If we were to find an inhibitor, a molecule, a drug that will specifically block PKR, we should be able to do the same [in humans]... And we did. We recognize that PKR plays a dual role, one in regulating simple everyday processes like the way neurons talk to each other [for] memory, but also has a stress response." 
 We say: It seems like by now they should have Alzheimer's cured or at least "contained". And we would LOVE a pharmaceutical memory booster that really works. So get it done science geeks!!

Learn some mo': Could this be the cure for Alzheimer's? Scientists say memory-boosting pill could be coming soon

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