Friday, February 12, 2010

Eat Chocolate, Avoid a Stroke

Eating dark chocolate or natural cocoa on a regular basis may reduce your risk of having a stroke, according to a new report. Researchers found that people who eat chocolate at least once a week were about 22% less likely to have a stroke than people who didn't eat chocolate often. Researchers say that more studies are need to be absolutely sure of the link, but this new report adds to the increasing evidence that certain kinds of chocolate can actually be very good for your health!

According to Katherine Tallmadge, a dietician and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association:
"More and more research is showing that [eating chocolate] is really more beneficial than we ever imagined... It's not anything major, but it's still an advantage, and even slight advantages can make a difference for some people."
Most experts believe that the health benefits of chocolate come mainly from natural antioxidant compounds found in the cocoa bean called flavonoids. Less processed and darker forms of chocolate tend to have more of these powerful phyto-chemicals. Pure, unsweetened cocoa powder is probably the best choice because it contains no sugar, has few calories, and is absolutely loaded with flavanoids!

Learn some mo': Good News About Chocolate

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