Saturday, May 1, 2010

Baby's Breath Flower Might Help Treat Cancer

An extract from the common Baby's Breath flower appears to boost the effectiveness of cancer-fighting drugs greatly, according to new research from England. Compounds called saponins extracted from the flower appear to have an incredibly powerful ability to break down the outer membranes of cancer cells.

This allows the newer antibody-based cancer drugs, called "immunotoxins", attack the cancerous cells. The end result is that immunotherapy treatments used to treat leukemia and lymphoma cancers can be made over a million times more potent!

According to research Dr David Flavell:
"I am usually careful about the words I use with things like this but this discovery could truly revolutionize the way these antibody-based drugs work and it will save lives... And this doesn't just apply to leukemia , there is a really big possibility this can be used for many cancers too... This is a potentially very important discovery that could allow us to kill leukemia cells in the patient much more effectively with much lower doses of immunotoxin... The challenge now is to establish how best to apply this laboratory discovery to the treatment of patients."
Experts say that clinical trials using the Baby's Breath extract will soon begin. Hopefully thousands of cancer patients from around the world will benefit from this incredibly discovery!

Learn some mo': Common flower could revolutionise treatment of leukemia

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